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Leadership is defined as “the process whereby one individual influences other group members towards the attainment of defined group or organizational goals.”
According to Hollander, “Leadership is a process of influence between a leader and those who are followers”.
According to Hamphill and Coons, “Leadership is the behavior of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group toward a share goal”.

Qualities of a Leader
1. Intelligence
2. Sound Physique
3. Responsibility
4. Trustworthy
5. Spirit of Enthusiasm
6. Confidence
7. Must do Things in Systematic manner
8. Significant Level of Tolerance
9. Focused
10. Committed to Excellence

Effectiveness of leaders
v Task achievement
v Development of individuals
v Building the team
v Make the vision tangible

Leader’s power
v Reward power
v Coercive power
v Legitimate power
v Expert power
v Referent power

Leadership styles
Leadership styles: - leadership is practiced by its styles which may be positive or negative. The style used by the military officers and traditional managers are mostly negatives whereas those of the modern and high technology organizations are positive.
v 1. Autocratic/ Dictator Leadership style
v 2. Democratic/ Participative leadership style
v 3. Bureoucratic leadership style
v 4. Diplomatic leadership style
v 5. Laisseze- fair leadership style

Theories of a Leadership
1. Traditional theory
 Trait theory
 Group and exchange theory
2. Behavioural theory
 Continuous theory
 Likert’s four systems

Managerial grid
 Leader- participation model
3. Contingency/ situation theories
 Fielder’s contingency theory
 Path- goal theory
 Hersey and Blanchard’s life- cycle/ Situational approach
4. Modern theories
 Charismatic leadership
 Transformational leadership theory
Trait theory
Trait theories of leadership sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits those differentiated leaders from non-leaders. Trait theorists refer the people like Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, N.T.Rama Rao and describe them in terms of charismatic, enthusiastic and courageous.
Trait theories assume that leaders are born not made. The research studies focus on personal traits or characteristics that distinguish the leaders from the followers and a successful leader from an unsuccessful leader. A number of research studies were conducted during the last 50 years. The cumulative findings of these studies conclude that some traits increase the likelihood of success as a leader, but more of the traits guarantee success.
Stodgill classified these thaits into five categories
- Intelligence and scholarship.
- Physical traits like age, height, weight, strength ect.
- Personality characterized by self-confidence, honesty, integrity, creativity and imitation.
- Social status and experience.
- Task-orientation.

Managerial Grid Theory
Industrial psychologists Blake and Mounton developed the managerial grid basing on the Ohio State study. The managerial grid identifies a range of management behavior based on the  different ways how production/service-oriented and employee-oriented styles interact with each other.
Transactional vs transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership theory conceptualizes such developments Two types of political leadership viz., transactional and transformational are identified. Transactional leadership involves an exchange relationship between leaders and followers. Whereas transformational leadership is based on leaders shifting the values, beliefs and needs of the followers.
The characteristics of transformational leaders include:

Identify themselves as change agents


Believe in people


Lifelong learners

Have the ability to deal with complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty.
